A big thank you to Oakamoor Village Festival for their donation to Mountain Rescue.
3 charities have benefited from £500 each following the success of this year’s Village Festival, Oakamoor Unlocked! Mountain Rescue, Air Ambulance and Dona Louise all received the donations from the proceeds of 2021’s festival.
Steve along with his team mate James Watson recently collected a cheque, on behalf of Derby Mountain Rescue, from John Brooking lead for the Festival Group.
The 3 charities were chosen by the Festival Group organisers.
Mountain rescue volunteers Steve and James helped organise the raft race this year and have been invited to take the lead in organising the 2022 race. Details will be coming out early 2022 for those interested in taking part in the raft race on Sunday 4th September, which should give you plenty of time to get your team together and build your raft!
Thank you to everyone who helped organise all the events, took part and supported the festival making it a great day. Looking forward to 2022’s already!